Friday, March 18, 2005

George Kennan

George Kennan, the father of containment, potentially the most successful Grand Strategy in the history of the United States, died yesterday. It's a sad day for America. If you're not familliar with Kennan, I'd suggest you check this out.

Incidentally, the Walgreen lectures, the source of Kennan's book American Diplomacy was also the source for the famous essays by Leo Strauss Natural Right and History.


  1. Anonymous2:26 PM

    Yea, sad, man! I met George Kennan once. It was at the 1965 Kansas State Fair and this guy was setting next to me on the Tilt-A-Whirl and he said he was George Kennan the famous international guy and I said George who? and he said George Kennan, you know, the guy that invented containment, you know, keeping us safe from the Russians, and I said well, I really thank you George, that's awful nice of you. Then the ride ended and I saw him get a snow cone and disappear in to the crowd.

  2. Your comment confuses me. Nonetheless, I'm intrigued...

  3. Anonymous9:01 PM

    Intrigued!??? Intrigued??? For God sake I met George Kennan on a Tilt-a-Whirl in Kansas and you're just "intrigued"???? You oughta be freakin astonished. Just how often do you think this guy took time out of his busy schedule to go to a state fair and ride a tilt-a whirl?? And the snow cone thing...... I woulda sworn he was into elephant ears bein an international guy and all. I thought I was sharing something that would impress a chi guy! Sorry if I got a little emotional, It's just that George died and all and I'm having trouble dealing with
